People Explain Why They Are Afraid of Pocket Knives

Knife collection is my next great obsession next to toy collecting. More than once people asked why a grown man like me would collect toys. Well they think it’s childish and inappropriate to my age, and they suggest I go for other hobbies. Rather than argue with them and ruin my day, I just try to understand that they are not a tired engineer whose stresses are cured by toys. And thankfully their constant snide comments made me grew thick skins.

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And I could use my skins of Kevlar now, as my other hobbies are getting a fair share of comments.

Unlike toy collecting, knife collecting is a functional hobby. It started as a mean of self defense, and it later evolve into blade fascinations. Now that I have a day job, I found out how a folded blade in my pocket could come in handy when the need arises. In my line of work as an engineer, a cutting tool could be helpful. That’s why I rarely listen to what people say, though they are getting sillier each time. I did write an article about them, but I think I insulted them enough. This time I’ll be fair with them and try to figure out what scared them about knives.

Why People Are so Afraid
Being quite the few in the office to carry knives, most of the fearful comments came from my friends. It’s easy to poke fun at these people if I never knew them personally. And since they are my friends I think it will be nice to be fair and listen to what they will say. I tried asking questions and do a bit of research in the net. Now I’m no psychologist and hopefully anyone knowledgeable in that field will give constructive comments if they find this article somewhere in Google. But based on how I see it, several factors gave pocket knives a bad image to this people. Some are silly. Others are understandable. I’m not attempting to please pocket knife haters, but at least